TRYOUTS for 2024 - 2025 Season
Welcome to AC Marin - we’re glad you’re here. We know that parents and players have a lot of questions when they look at competitive soccer clubs. The following information will provide you with details on the tryout process and set expectations for our coaches, players, and parents. We believe shared expectations will allow our club to provide a positive experience for all members of our AC soccer family.
AC Marin's mission is to become the top soccer club in the Bay Area. We want to provide a professional program that reflects our community and fosters player development through professional coaching. We prioritize developing athletes beyond their soccer skills, creating players who are motivated, respectful, and confident.
Tryout Registration
AC Marin follows the tryout guidelines set by Norcal Premier Soccer League. The AC Marin website includes the tryout schedule and a link to register. Tryouts are free, and potential athletes should register online before their first scheduled tryout. Players are urged to attend all tryout dates. If you are unable to register online, please arrive at your scheduled tryout time at least 20 minutes early to speak with Club Leadership about registration. Current AC Marin players do not need to register for tryouts.
Players who are unable to attend tryouts due to injury, illness, or other situations may contact the Executive Director at to seek an alternate tryout.
What to Expect at Tryouts
Players should arrive at the field 15 minutes before their tryout starts. Upon arriving, each participant will be allocated a tryout number. At the beginning of the tryout, players are divided into small, rotating groups and asked to participate in small-sided games, large-sided games, and other exercises designed to demonstrate each player’s skill. Our coaching staff will be at each tryout to assess all players. Players trying out for goalkeeping positions should inform the coaches of their intentions at the start of each audition.
Essentials to Bring to Tryouts
Players should arrive in shorts and a plain white or gray shirt that does not have any club affiliations. Each player should wear shin guards and have well-fitting cleats or turf shoes. Bring enough water for an approximate two-hour tryout session. Goalkeepers should bring their goalie gloves.
Things NOT TO BRING to Tryouts
Avoid wearing or bringing items associated with a previous team or association, such as shorts, jerseys, warm-ups, or bags. The goal is to create an equal playing field for all prospective participants.
How Players are Evaluated and Chosen
Every year at tryouts, athletes are assessed for talent and game knowledge by well-qualified coaches and evaluators. All players, even returning players, must try out each year to be eligible for the squad. Roster positions are not guaranteed from year to year.
At tryouts, athletes are evaluated based on their technical abilities and knowledge of the game. Goalkeepers receive both an outfield and a goalkeeping score. Following the tryouts, the assessing coaches and club leadership review each player and assign them to teams. The AC Marin evaluation procedure and criteria are used to build teams at all levels. Players with the necessary talents, maturity, and commitment to compete at the highest level will be allocated to AC Marin's first team, the black team. Players with developing skills and potential for competitive soccer will be rostered on a white team.
Parents and players are not given information regarding a player's precise evaluation notes, including their relative rank to other players. There is strict confidentiality around player rating and performance.
Number of Teams to be Formed.
The number of teams established varies by gender and age group, with the optimal number of teams being two per age group and gender.
Tryout Results Notifications
After tryouts, the head coach will inform the athlete and/or their family of the results.
Offer Acceptances
Players who receive an offer will be contacted by the team coach following either the first or second tryout, offering them a position on the squad. Players who receive a call after the first tryout will have 24 hours to accept or decline the offer by completing their TeamSnap registration. Players who receive a call after the second tryout will have 48 hours to accept the offer by completing their TeamSnap registration or decline it. Players who do not register by the deadline risk losing their spot to alternative players. To successfully register for a team, you must provide proof of age*, accept club policies, and pay club fees.
*Proof of age is required before any player can be offered a spot on a team roster. There are no exceptions for providing proof of age. Proof of age can be provided via a copy of a certified birth certificate or passport.
Financial Aid
AC Marin offers financial support to qualifying families, which accounts for 25% of our player pool. Since 2014, AC Marin has focused on expanding its player base while also supporting the community. Exceptional soccer training, equipment, and facility acquisition are expensive, and we understand that the financial costs connected with youth participation in club soccer are significant. AC Marin strives to give every child the opportunity to play, regardless of their family’s ability to pay.
To apply for financial assistance, please do so by completing the Scholarship Fund application form.
Player Rights & Responsibilities
Once a roster position is offered and accepted, the club guarantees certain player rights. Players have the right to:
- Instruction from experienced coaches
- The adult supervision meets all US soccer regulations and background checks.
- Be treated respectfully in an environment favorable to learning and developing soccer skills.
Parents/players must also agree to have certain responsibilities to the club, coaches, and team. Those responsibilities include:
- Stick to your acceptance of the roster position and refrain from playing the bait-and-switch game with other teams and clubs.
- To refrain from making divisive and/or disrespectful remarks regarding teams, teammates, or coaching staff for any AC Marin team.
- To not be disruptive during team instruction/play
- To treat teammates and coaching staff with respect
- To be supportive and encouraging of teammates
- Learn the game's rules and be courteous to all volunteers and league officials.
- To avoid any form of unsportsmanlike behavior with any official, coach, player, or parent.
- To uphold the spirit and laws of the game
- To keep academics as a priority and ensure grades will not suffer for the sake of personal soccer goals
- Attend all practices and games, and let the coach know if you are unable to attend one.
- To notify their coach and parents of any injury, and to follow treatment instructions as provided by medical authorities, while maintaining a presence at team events during rehabilitation.
- Families must complete the volunteer requirement
Acceptance of a roster spot constitutes acceptance of these Rights and Responsibilities. Failure to uphold these responsibilities may result in suspension from the club or team or affect club eligibility in a subsequent year.
For more information, please visit our website or contact the AC Marin Executive Director at
Provisional Coaching Rosters for 2024-2025 Season